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powtórka z angielskiego 2020 - cz. I

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Zadanie 9.
Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz poprawne uzupełnienie luk.
From: jason@xyz.com
Sports competition
Zadanie 9.1.
At present our PE teacher is organising a volleyball competition for our sports club. The event place in the school gym next month.
Zadanie 9.2.
If you want to watch the games, you have to buy a ticket costs £1. Our club needs the money.
Zadanie 9.3.
I’d like to take part in the competition, but we need at least six people to have a team. Let’s tell as students as possible about it. They may join us. What do you think?
See you next week,
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źródło: CKE
Polityka Prywatności